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Transform Support with AI-Driven Solutions from ScreenMeet

Do you know how your support incidents get resolved? Let our AI-powered summarization tool provide the insights you need!


Is your business challenged with lack of data on Incident resolution? As technicians and support agents resolve incidents, they don’t provide enough details on the resolution beyond “I fixed the user’s problem.”  


This is a systemic issue, as many support engineers’ performance is based on how many incidents they resolve and how quickly they do it. Writing up detailed resolution notes  doesn’t improve their KPI’s. 

The consequences of this missing piece of data have multiple negative implications:

  • - Knowledge is lost on “how the problem was actually fixed”
  • - Data on “how it was fixed” is not available for LLM training so future incidents that are similar could be deflected by Gen-AI
  • - There is a lack of audit trail in case a deeper investigation is required
AI Summarization* resolves these issues and more.

Effortless Note Taking with AI Summarization – Let AI Do the Boring Work

Say goodbye to manually entered notes. Our AI Summarization feature not only eliminates the unhelpful "Done" notes but ensures comprehensive documentation is created automatically. This enables your agents to focus more on solving problems and less on admin tasks.

Process Improvement Insights

Our solution provides critical insights into the support process, helping identify best practices and areas for agent training. By analyzing the actions taken during support sessions, our AI helps uncover more efficient methods and training needs, driving continual improvement.

Key Features:

    • AI-Powered Documentation:
      Seamlessly generate detailed resolution and work notes from remote support sessions, utilizing advanced AI technology.
      Enhanced Efficiency:
      Help your agents craft clear documentation effortlessly, saving time and reducing operational costs.
      Knowledge Base Expansion:
      Foster self-service and enhance your chatbot capabilities by enriching your knowledge base with valuable data from AI-generated summaries.
    • Visual Summarization (Coming Soon):
    • ScreenMeet is actively developing a visual summarization feature, set to launch later this year. This feature will include screenshots to automatically add a visual component to the written summarization, further enriching the documentation process.
    • *Patent PendingDiscover AI Summarization Watch the Demo!

Leverage AI Assist to improve agent productivity and resolve issues faster

ScreenMeet AI Assist leverages generative AI to empower agents with real-time troubleshooting and guidance to resolve issues faster and easier than ever before.

ScreenMeet AI Assist to improve agent productivityBy deflecting ticket escalation and accelerating resolution, businesses can significantly improve productivity, reduce OpEx and increase ROI. 

Agents find answers to their questions faster by simply typing in their question and our AI uses prompt engineering so the results provided will be relevant to the operating system from where the query was submitted.

See how easy it is to use AI Assist

Leverage AI Assist to improve agent productivity and resolve issues faster

ScreenMeet AI Assist leverages generative AI to empower agents with real-time troubleshooting and guidance to resolve issues faster and easier than ever before.

ScreenMeet AI Assist to improve agent productivityBy deflecting ticket escalation and accelerating resolution, businesses can significantly improve productivity, reduce OpEx and increase ROI. 

Agents find answers to their questions faster by simply typing in their question and our AI uses prompt engineering so the results provided will be relevant to the operating system from where the query was submitted.

See how easy it is to use AI Assist

AI Summarization for ServiceNow

Revolutionize your Remote Support with Game Changing AI Integrated with ServiceNow

  • Streamline Documentation: Automatically produce detailed resolution and work notes from remote support sessions using AI.
  • Boost Efficiency: Save resources by enabling your agents to create enhanced documentation for every incident.
  • Improve Self-Service Capabilities: Expand your knowledge base and provide richer data to your Virtual Agent, improving deflection rates.
  • Integration with Now Assist: These AI-generated notes integrate perfectly with Now Assist. Utilizing these detailed summaries, Now Assist enhances resolution communications, enriches knowledge base articles, and improves training for chatbots and Virtual Agents.

Watch the AI Summarization Demo  for Remote Support in ServiceNow

AI Summarization for Salesforce

Transform Your Customer Remote Support with AI-Powered Summary Notes in Salesforce

  • Effortless Documentation: Use AI to automatically generate comprehensive resolution and work notes from your remote support sessions.
  • Increase Efficiency: Enable your agents to produce detailed documentation for every case, saving valuable resources, allowing agents to solve customer issues faster.
  • Enhance Self-Service: Expand your knowledge base with richer data to improve deflection rates and self-service capabilities with Einstein AI.
  • Seamless Integration: AI-generated notes integrate smoothly with Einstein AI and Salesforce Copilot, enhancing resolution communication, enriching knowledge base articles, and improving chatbot training.

Watch the AI Summarization Demo  for Remote Support in Salesforce

ScreenMeet FAQs

How does AI Summarization work?

We collect detailed log data during the session, then process that data via a LLM (Large Language Model).

Which LLM do you use?

We support multiple models and LLM providers, and can also support a custom LLM end-point if you'd like to bring your own LLM.

Out of the box we have support for various models hosted by OpenAI as well as models hosted on AWS via Bedrock. We would work together with you to pick the best model for your organization based on your requirements and best performance.

I have concerns about my data security - what happens to my data?

Your data is safe. It is never retained by either ScreenMeet or our LLM provider partners, and is never used for training. All of our partners are covered by our DPA (Data Protection Agreement). After the summarization is complete and delivered, all raw data used to generate it is purged.

What happens if there is PII that is captured in the Log data?

This is a multi-part answer:
  • Data in protected fields like passwords will never be logged.
  • In most cases, the LLM will filter out anything that isn't relevant to the incident/case.
  • The 2nd gate is the human who is still in the loop before any data gets submitted to permanent storage in the platform (such as ServiceNow or Salesforce) and can manually revise anything inappropriate.
  • We also have additional privacy features on our roadmap, such as being able to create an application and website black-list from which no data will be logged during the session.

I still have concerns about the possibility of PII being ingested for processing. Who can I speak with?

Our team is happy to answer any additional questions during a 1:1 discussion. Please complete this form to request a demo and you'll have an opportunity to get all of your questions answered and see AI Summarization in action.